01STAR Take gate from car park and follow path South beside fishing pond. image/jpeg Waypoint 02POND Path bears East (left) at South end of pond. At paths junction turn South (right) down slope. image/jpeg Waypoint 03FOOT Cross footbridge and following wiindiing path NE alond edge of park. image/jpeg Waypoint 04HALL Turn South (right) along Hall Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 05KENH Leave tarmac path via footpath on East (left). image/jpeg Waypoint 06GRIW Take path West (right) beside Griffin Wood information board. image/jpeg Waypoint 07M62 When path is in sight of M62 turn East (left) and follow footpath initially parallel to M62 then bear away from motorway. image/jpeg Waypoint 08SHAT Turn sharp SE (right) taking path beside pond towards motorway bridge. image/jpeg Waypoint 09MOTO Take foot bridge South over M62 and follow path South. image/jpeg Waypoint 10LOLH Upon reaching Old Hall Rd turn South (right) image/jpeg Waypoint 11A57 Turn West (right) along Warrington Rd. Refreshments available on this stage. image/jpeg Waypoint 12WARR Turn North (right) off Warrington Rd first by driveway then by footpath over farmland. image/jpeg Waypoint 13TIBL Cross Tibbs Cross Lane and follow driveway and footpath opposite. image/jpeg Waypoint 14RAIL Turn North (right) initially along footpath then down onto disused railtrack. image/jpeg Waypoint 15UNDE After passing under M62 head NW (left) up slope. image/jpeg Waypoint 16THDR Pass by base of Dream sculpture taking path briefly North then East (right) down slope. image/jpeg Waypoint 17ABBH Opposite pond follow path East (right) as is runs behind houses of Abbotts Hall Ave. image/jpeg Waypoint 18CLFR Carefully cross Clock Face Rd to continue East. image/jpeg Waypoint 19CLFP Enter Clock Face Park and make way back to car park. image/jpeg Waypoint BOLDHEATHCIRC Length: 9.029 km (5.61 mi)