adlin red rock3 Conversion to KML by GLsX-to-KML 01Start None
Take steps down to follow .North bank of River Douglas.]]>
02Footbridge None
Cross footbridge to ascend slope up to disused railway line and follow it South.]]>
03Railtrack None
Pass through pair of gates to continue South along disused railtrack.]]>
04Leave Track None
Just before bridge over the track take the steps on the North side (right) up to the canal and follow it briefly South before joining path around Canal Row cottages.]]>
05Canal Row None
|Having past in front of last cottage take stile West (left) into field and follow hedgerow as it turns South passing between cottages.]]>
06Red Rock None
Carefully cross Red Rock Road to take footpath immediately opposite heading towards wooded area.]]>
07Baulk House None
Follow path on East Side of Baulk House enclosure.]]>
08Good View None
Ascend clearly signposted track East (left). Some very good 270 views over Winter Hill, Beacon and Billinge hills.]]>
09School Lane None
Turn South (right) to carefully follow School Lane which does not have a footpath.]]>
10Pendlebury None
Upon reaching Pendlebury Lane turn East (left) to follow footpath which runs between front of house and around stable.]]>
11Beyond Stable None
Cross stile to follow path North (left) beside hedgerow.]]>
12Meadow Pit Lane None
Carefully cross Meadow Pit Lane and briefly head East (right).]]>
13Pond None
Leave lane taking footpath North (left) into field and along hedgerow.]]>
14Ghost Track None
Approximately 50m before Northern field boundary turn NW (left) along route of old farm track towards Patchcroft Farm. Track can be difficult to see due if grass is long. Upon reaching farm take stone steps over wall onto farm track.]]>
15Pennington Lane None
Turn NE (right) along Pennington Lane.]]>
16Horse Paddocks None
Continue along lane as it bends East (right) towards farm buildings.]]>
17Dog Kennels None
At end of lane take footpath North (left) between dog kennels and stables then continue beside hedgerow before passing in front of Hollins Head.]]>
18Blundell Bend None
Briefly follow Blundell Lane as it turns East (right).]]>
19Postbox None
Take footpath North (left) at red postbox as it passes beside house and then beside hedgerow.]]>
20Aberdeen Farm None
At North end of field footpath turns NW (left) beside hedge.]]>
21Concrete Track None
OS footpath apparently passes 50m North and parallel to substantial concrete track but proved difficult to find due to crop in fileld so I followed the concrete path East (right) to main road.]]>
22Chorley Rd None
Turn North (left) to briefly follow Chorley Road.]]>
23Crows Nest None
Opposite Crows Nest farm carefully cross Chorley Rd onto footpath as it crosses field and heads NE beside hedge ]]>
24Pond Turn None
Continue on path as it bends North (left) beside small pond.]]>
25Pincroft Pond None
Take Pincroft Road East (left) as it passes between railway arches and fishing lake,]]>
26Huyton Road None
At junction turn SW (left) along Huyton Road.]]>
27A6 None
All done. Recommended parking is appoximately 200m South (left) along Chorley Rd.]]>
ad trst Length: 10.1 km (6.275 mi) -2.60296580 , 53.60867600 , 0. -2.60554600 , 53.60678800 , 0. -2.60545800 , 53.60678800 , 0. -2.61187080 , 53.59961070 , 0. -2.62440200 , 53.58817450 , 0. -2.62468500 , 53.58632000 , 0. -2.62351000 , 53.58598900 , 0. -2.62229800 , 53.58412100 , 0. -2.62296200 , 53.58255200 , 0. -2.62351800 , 53.58136000 , 0. -2.62199000 , 53.58029900 , 0. -2.61708300 , 53.58134900 , 0. -2.61427500 , 53.57818800 , 0. -2.61266200 , 53.57813700 , 0. -2.61104800 , 53.58101000 , 0. -2.60969900 , 53.58096800 , 0. -2.60816700 , 53.58292000 , 0. -2.61560100 , 53.58602200 , 0. -2.61100500 , 53.58803500 , 0. -2.60771700 , 53.58771400 , 0. -2.60713100 , 53.59298200 , 0. -2.60586900 , 53.59341000 , 0. -2.60343700 , 53.59963900 , 0. -2.60596000 , 53.60132400 , 0. -2.59514700 , 53.60300800 , 0. -2.59663400 , 53.60442500 , 0. -2.59442600 , 53.60667000 , 0. -2.59717500 , 53.60955700 , 0. -2.60334700 , 53.60998400 , 0. -2.60402200 , 53.60953000 , 0.