shevington_standish_circ2 Conversion to KML by GLsX-to-KML 01Start None
Head East along Vicarage Lane past sports ground and allotments.]]>
02Wood Edge None
Leave track East (left) following curving Northern boundary of woodland.]]>
03Footbridge None
Turn East (left) entering wood to take footbidge over Mill Brook.]]>
04Lower Rd None
Carefully cross Wigan Lower Road to briefly head North (left).]]>
05Exit Rd None
Take track East (right) off Wigan Lower Road.]]>
06Memorial None
Continue East on track past small war memorial.]]>
07Pit Pond None
On reaching Pit Pond turn SE (right) to follow path along edge of woodland.]]>
08Standish Park None
Turn NE (left) to follow Eastern boundary of Standish Park.]]>
09Standish Hall None
Take path NW (left) past site of Standish Hall, now farm. Good views West to Billinge Hill and Beacon Park.]]>
10Hermitage None
Turn SW (left) on path opposite site of Catholic hermitage.]]>
11Elnup Wood None
Cross over Mill Brook to turn North (right) up incline onto Parkbrook Lane.]]>
12Parkbrook Lane None
Turn North (right) briefly onto Shevington Lane.]]>
13Shevington Lane None
Take path NW (left) off Shevington Lane crossing over motorway bridge onto northern edge of wood.]]>
14Hullet Wood None
Take path NW across field towards communications tower.]]>
15Aerial None
Follow field boundary South (sharp left)]]>
16Runshaw None
Take path SW (right) via horse paddock and along southern side of houses.]]>
17Newgate None
Pass through gate to take path down slope and follow it as it it curves South (left).]]>
18Miles Lane None
Turn SE (left) briefly along Miles Lane.]]>
19Forrest Fold None
Leave Miles Lane South (right) taking path South around field boundary.]]>
20Broadridings Lane None
Turn East (left) along Broadriding Lane.]]>
21Golf Path None
Leave lane taking path SE (right) carefully across Shevington Golf Course.]]>
22Footbridge None
Cross footbridge to continue East on path through houses onto Vicarage Lane and back to start.]]>
23The End None
All Done.]]>
THE TRACK Length: 9.06 km (5.63 mi) -2.69303440 , 53.56816000 , 0. -2.68491270 , 53.56715330 , 0. -2.68302440 , 53.56558580 , 0. -2.68038510 , 53.56558580 , 0. -2.67956970 , 53.56599360 , 0. -2.67976280 , 53.56633770 , 0. -2.67474170 , 53.56738260 , 0. -2.67234920 , 53.56931960 , 0. -2.66803500 , 53.56840300 , 0. -2.66359450 , 53.57228210 , 0. -2.67304300 , 53.58108300 , 0. -2.68060300 , 53.57694400 , 0. -2.68615000 , 53.57883900 , 0. -2.68585600 , 53.57980100 , 0. -2.69400500 , 53.58262800 , 0. -2.69692900 , 53.58342330 , 0. -2.70257230 , 53.58506270 , 0. -2.70012620 , 53.58291380 , 0. -2.70426500 , 53.57985900 , 0. -2.70907600 , 53.57458300 , 0. -2.70769000 , 53.57404680 , 0. -2.70873200 , 53.57105600 , 0. -2.70645620 , 53.57101430 , 0. -2.69935600 , 53.56831600 , 0. -2.69326800 , 53.56814100 , 0.